Take a stroll and view thousands of pictures and videos galore of some of the hottest never before seen models on the web! These girls are fresh, natual and sexy! Most of our models have never even modeled before and are absolutely amazing! All of our content is 100% exclusive and photographed by us. Take a tour and explore everything from nude, topless, outdoors, costumes, asians, latina, ebony, blondes, brunettes, to redheads.
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Photographing Lovely Sweethearts Since 2008
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EyeCandyAvenue is Fun Art Nude at its Finest
Eye Candy Avenue is a great little site with an interesting take on erotica and the teen genre. Their models are top-notch, the content is high-quality, and the updates are frequent. With a price as low as $19.99 a month, you'd have to be crazy to pass this one up. - Porn Inspector
Beautiful Fun Art Photography an Videos
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We are a team of two who finds, photographs, films, and runs the website ourselves for you to enjoy! We hand pick each sweetheart and add them to your collection. We hope you enjoy your stroll on Eye Candy Avenue.